Finding My Place at Tulane

By Rachel Menziuso

Having moved all over the United States, its territories, and Canada, I expected my transition to college to be just like my transition to the ten different schools I had been at prior to college. However, freshman year in college was a different experience than anything I had experienced before. There were so many organizations to join and people to meet. However, by second semester I still did not really know where my place was on campus. I was searching for an organization that could feel like a community. 

I had been thinking of joining AKPsi since my first semester of  college. However, I did not understand all that it entailed or the community that it would become for me on campus. As the rush process went on for me with each day, my want to join the fraternity became more and more. Through networking with all of the brothers, I realized that all of the people in AKPsi, although drastically different from one another, had ambition and passion. I knew that within this organization I could grow and learn from the talented brothers that make AKPsi what it is.

Having been in this organization for a year now, I can say that AKPsi has truly changed my experience on Tulane’s campus. I have made lifelong friends who encourage me to take risks and follow my passions. The network that AKPsi is, is one that I am truly grateful for and enabled me to find my home on Tulane’s campus.