Rushing AKPsi as a Sociology Major

By Asher Bank

Coming to Tulane as a Sociology major, I never thought that I would have joined a business fraternity. However, during my first week at Tulane, I saw my first opportunity to get involved in something when I saw a big banner on MacAlister reading “Rush AKPsi.” Seeing that it was actually open to all majors got me interested enough to attend the informational session of rush. After learning about what Alpha Kappa Psi offers in its networking, professionalism skills, and leadership development opportunities, I was intrigued. However, I still wasn’t sure if it was for me. I decided to withdraw from rush that semester.


The next semester, my friend from my dorm told me she wanted to rush AKPsi and the idea popped back into my mind. Maybe it wasn’t for me, but if I didn’t at least try it out, how could I ever truly know? The first night of rush, I felt intimidated that I hadn’t meet a single brother in my major yet. I decided to still go through rush, despite my doubts, since I hadn’t my first semester. I gave it my all and put my heart into it and to my surprise, I received a bid!


Pledging AKPsi gave me insight into how much more it is than just business. The brothers are a diverse group with vastly different interests and majors who all have a passion for building a strong community within the fraternity. The programming was extremely applicable to students of all majors, including workshops on resume building, public speaking, interviewing and more. The final thing that made me realize how different AKPsi was than I expected was the sense of empowerment the brothers had towards each other. All brothers lead on Tulane’s campus in different ways, allowing us to learn from each other and bring different sectors of Tulane together.


Rushing AKPsi was one of the best decisions I’ve made at Tulane. Even though I’m probably not going to end up in a career in business, I know that I’ll utilize the skills and personal connections I’ve made in AKPsi wherever I end up going in life.