Find Your Network

By Maygan Miguez

Living in New Orleans my entire life, I have always felt at home in this ­­­­­unique city. Being that my high school is a quick five-minute drive from campus, I expected my transition from high school to Tulane to be somewhat effortless. That is, until I actually moved into my dorm and started my first semester of classes. Within hours of my first day of college, I began to ask myself, “Am I in the same city?” As weeks went on, I increasingly began to feel more like a stranger in the city I had called home for the past 18 years of my life. The sense of community and hominess that I once felt dissipated as I began to realize that Tulane is a city within a city. I knew my transition to college would be anything but “effortless” as I began to navigate a network of people with vastly different backgrounds and experiences to mine. 

This all changed when I decided to rush AKPsi. After just one night of networking with the Brothers, I completely stepped out of my comfort zone, made genuine connections, and found an uplifting community of like-minded individuals that continually strive to better themselves.

AKPsi may seem like just a network of people, but it truly is so much more. AKPsi is a family that welcomes my quirky interests and differences and encourages me to be the best version of myself. I have made some incredible friends through AKPsi and am so thankful to be surrounded by such inspiring individuals. Transitioning to Tulane is not easy, and that’s coming from a New Orleans native. I found my home away from home in AKPsi, and I know that you will too.