The Best is Still to Come

Growth isn’t automatic, and it certainly isn’t easy.  It’s much easier to stay inside your comfortable shell and avoid any sort of major change for as long as you can.  Every few years, I go through a time where I finally emerge from that shell and begin a new chapter of my life.  

Coming to college was the beginning of one of those new chapters, and it would have been easy for me to stay on that page until I graduated.  Everyone tells you that college is a chance to grow and discover yourself, but what they don’t tell you is that growth requires effort beyond just your freshman year.  By sophomore year, I had undoubtedly matured and grown since I had arrived on Tulane’s campus as a freshman, but I had also somehow created a bubble for myself at this school of almost 7,000 people.  I saw the same friends and did the same things; I was back in a shell of my own making. 

AKPsi offered me the chance to break out again and experience something new.  Never before have I seen a group of people as diverse as those in AKPsi.  This organization simply transcends its title as a business fraternity.  Since I rushed as a sophomore I haven’t been back inside my shell (or made a new one for that matter) because AKPsi hasn’t let me!  I have met so many wonderful and amazing people from all over the world, studying so many different things, and offering so many unique and interesting skills and passions that complacency is no longer possible.  AKPsi broke me out of my shell again and made me a better version of myself, and if this experience has taught me anything, it’s that the best is still to come.