Why I Should Have Rushed AKPsi

By Stone Agren

Growing up, I was always told: "second place is the first loser." I was encouraged to participate in whatever I could and to strive towards being the best in all that I did. It was this mindset that resulted in me throwing myself into anything and everything that I could when I arrived at Tulane in my freshman year.

The result, as you could imagine, was that my experiences at Tulane felt shallow and artificial. I lacked any higher purpose other than making myself seem more qualified on paper. AKPsi was initially just another goal to achieve. However, when I was privileged enough to be selected as a candidate for Brotherhood and eventually inducted, I found something that I was not expecting.  

The Brothers of AKPsi are, without a doubt, some of the most dedicated and passionate people I have ever met. There is a great diversity of stories and experiences within AKPsi that immediately made me feel connected to the organization. This was not simply a group of young professionals trying to network or bolster their résumés before moving off to a summer internship. These were best friends, colleagues, and changemakers at Tulane. 

I found myself wanting to contribute to the reputation of AKPsi. AKPsi became something more than myself or my future that I wanted to invest in. The idea behind the "fraternity" is a group of people who are united by a common ideal or cause. The Brothers of AKPsi find common ground in a love for AKPsi and a desire to improve the fraternity, improve Tulane’s campus, and improve the quality of one another’s lives. I genuinely believe that I have become a better person with more meaningful friendships and skills as a result of the Brotherhood of AKPsi.

This is why I should have rushed. This is why you should rush.