Starting Freshman Year Right

By Lexi Schwartz

Entering freshman year at a school over 2000 miles away from home, I wanted adventure and change, but I also wanted an amazing group of people to experience all that new-ness with in my new home. AKPsi provided that for me.

Rush was hands down the most terrifying experience I had all of my freshman year, just two weeks into the semester. I was so concerned with the thought "what if I couldn't get into AKPsi?"

However, since the day I received my bid to this warm, cohesive group of motivated peers, my mentality has changed. I no longer worry about "what if I can’t?” – instead, I’m focused on how I can. Undoubtedly, the brothers of AKPsi push me to embrace that can-do attitude each and every day.

I am so thankful AKPsi gave me the tools to thrive in corporate settings and at Tulane. Now, I'm excited to continue my journey with my brothers. If you want to start your school year by meeting fun, interesting, inspiring people, definitely rush AKPsi!