Why I Stayed at Tulane

By Matthew Saletta

This time last year, I was going to transfer to the University of Michigan. I had been accepted to transfer and had all details worked out. All I had to do was officially accept their offer.

On the surface, my first semester at Tulane looked incredible, but there was an artificial quality to it, sort of like hollowness. I had connected with plenty of people, but those connections felt superficial. My classes weren’t particularly fulfilling. I went into college hoping to grow as a person and to make long-lasting friendships, but it felt like I wasn’t doing either. After a few months of this, it seemed like the best option for me was leaving.

AKPsi changed my mind. Anyone in AKPsi will tell you that the best part of the fraternity is the people and that couldn’t be more true. My brothers have supported me through times of stress, times of grief, and times of failure. My closest friends are in AKPsi, and it’s been a real blessing to be a part of this incredible group.

Moreover, AKPsi helped me grow as a person. Starting with rush, it challenged me to improve. I had never written a cover letter before or a proper resume. Rush taught me to do both. As a brother, that learning process has never stopped, and I am so grateful for the valuable skill set I’ve gained by being a brother.

Long story short, AKPsi has been the experience of a lifetime. I would encourage anyone interested to come to rush and see for themselves what a great place Tulane can be.